Eagles online registration is now open!!
All T-ball and Rookie Ball registrations come with a shirt, hat and starter pack
All other registrations include a training shirt

2024/25 Playing fees:
T-Ball / Rookie Ball $200 (full season)
Juniors (LL,JL,SL) $350
Seniors $550
Masters $500​
Womens $515

When is the signup day for Eagles Baseball?
Sign on day for the upcoming season (2024/2025) will be on the 3rd of August down at our field from 10am to 2pm
Do I have to come down in person to sign up?
No. While the official sign up day at our field is a great opportunity to meet the team and coaches as well as a chance for younger players to have a try, we fully understand how busy everyone can be. That's why you can find a link to sign up above.
What is the age group break down?
Below the FAQs you can find the current age matrix for all age groups. Baseball for Juniors works with a change in age groups every 2 years. for example: 8 to 10 years old is Rookie Ball, 10 to 12 year old is Little League, 12 to 14 year old is Junior League.
Is Baseball a mixed sport?
Absolutely! Baseball is a game that can be played by anyone at any age and we welcome all comers.
When are games played?
The actual start date for the season is not set yet, but usually you will find games start either the last weekend of September or the first weekend of October. Between sign on day and the opening round, we will run preseason training on Sundays to help everyone get up to speed for the season and get the rust off.
The season run through the summer months (Term 4 and term 1 of the school year) and finishes the week before Easter. There is also a few weeks break over the Christmas period.
Yeah, but when are the actual games played??
Tee Ball is played on Friday evenings.
Rookie Ball is to be confirmed as the league has proposed changes
Little League play Saturdays from 8am
Junior League play Saturdays from 10:30am
Senior League plays Saturdays from 12:30pm
Women's League play Saturdays from 1:30pm
Seniors (Adults) Play Sundays are various times
Masters (over 35's) Play Mondays at either 6:30pm or 9pm depending on the draw
What about Training?
In season training is a team by team situation. Most teams training one afternoon/evening. Coaches will sit down with players and parents to work out what time works best for the majority of the team for training.
When I sign on. What is included?
All players who sign on with Eagles baseball get a Team hat and training shirt provided by our generous sponsors (thank you sponsors!!). Tee Ball players also get a welcome pack that includes a glove, backpack, colouring pencils and drink pouch.
We also do not change weekly game or ground fees.
What about uniforms?
Tee Ball and Rookie ball play in the free training shirts provided. All other age groups require a team button up jersey at a cost of $50. Baseball pants can be purchased online or at any number of stores in the local area. Ask your coach or the committee for sites and stores.
Can I Claim the QLD Government Fair Play vouchers?
Yes you can! Please find the link at the bottom of the page to apply for the voucher which can get members a $200 rebate on fees.
I have another question that wasn't in the FAQ's
If you have any further questions not answered here, please feel free to email us here and we will strive to get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
Current age matrix